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BGE to Collaborate with Power52 to Increase Access to Solar Energy for Low Income Customers

By December 3, 2015December 19th, 2020No Comments

Proposed development would lead to bill assistance and generate local job opportunities

BALTIMORE (Dec. 1, 2015) — In an effort to provide low-income residents of the Baltimore area with access to renewable energy sources, Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) is seeking to develop a community solar facility. With this development, BGE would be able to offer an innovative bill assistance program by providing the benefits of the solar energy generated by the facility to program participants. The company estimates participants could save approximately $28 a month on their electric bills. BGE is requesting approval from the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) to move forward with the project and the bill assistance program. The proposed solar facility would be constructed and maintained by Power52, a recently formed company based in Maryland.

“BGE and Power52 share many of the same goals, including creating opportunities for customers to benefit from renewable energy regardless of income, providing options for lowering bills and ultimately spurring economic development in Maryland,” said BGE Chief Executive Officer Calvin G. Butler Jr. “We look forward to the benefits this solar project will bring to our region.”

Power52 was established to develop renewable energy projects that reduce the cost of energy for low- income communities and families. “Working with BGE on this community solar initiative will help educate people on how to reduce their energy bills,” said Rob Wallace, the company’s president and chief executive officer. “This project will also provide construction jobs and long-term employment opportunities, which is part of our mission,” continued Ray Lewis, founding partner and vice president of Power52.

The collaboration supports BGE and parent company Exelon’s commitment to advancing clean energy resources. While more than 10,000 BGE customers are currently participating in rooftop solar energy, only a small percentage are customers with low incomes. If the proposed community solar facility is approved and completed in 2016, customers will be able to begin participating in the bill savings program in early 2017. Participants would be selected from a base of customers who receive energy assistance through the Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP). To learn more about BGE’s energy assistance programs, visit


About BGE

BGE, headquartered in Baltimore, is Maryland’s largest gas and electric utility, delivering power to more than 1.25 million electric customers and more than 650,000 natural gas customers in central Maryland. The company’s approximately 3,200 employees are committed to the safe and reliable delivery of natural

gas and electricity, as well as enhanced energy management, conservation, environmental stewardship and community assistance. BGE is a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC), the nation’s leading competitive energy provider, with 2014 revenues of approximately $27.4 billion. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.

About Power52

POWER52 is a Maryland based 501C3 established to provide technical and development services to create renewable energy projects aimed to reduce the cost of energy for low-income communities/families. The renewable energy projects created for the program allow the organization to offer jobs for low-income individuals in disadvantaged communities that are struggling financially; training for those interested in pursuing a career in the renewable/energy sector as well as scholarships for those individuals unable to attend a trade school or college due to lack of financial resources. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.

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